During Nordic Night in Nature, everyone in the Nordic countries is invited to spend a night outdoors. We hope that you will join!
Sharpen your senses! Listen, smell and experience how nature changes when darkness falls.
Nordic Night in Nature is a night full of adventurous experiences. Isn’t it magical that even though one is lying in a hammock by a lake in Finland, another is lying in his nearby forest in Denmark, one is camping on a mountain in Sweden, and one is sleeping on his balcony in Norway, we are all under the same sky?
Everyone is welcome. Both those who have never spent a night outdoors before, and those who have lost count over their nights under the stars.
Nordic Night in Nature is based on the long-standing common Nordic tradition of cultivating outdoor life. The habit of spending a lot of time in nature all year round is something that binds the population in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway together.
Outdoor life does not only connect us with the rest of the Nordic countries. It also connects us humans with nature. And we know that it is good for both the physical and the mental health.
Nordic Night in Nature is a celebration and continuation of this tradition. The goal is for even more people to open their eyes to the many good experiences that can be found in Nordic nature – around the clock and all year round!
Find more information about Nordic Night in Nature in your country below.
Nordic Night in Nature was supported by A.P Møller Fonden in 2022. Nordic Night in Nature was co-funded by the EU in 2023.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Read: Best practice from Nordic Night in Nature 2023
Read: Best practice cases from Nordic Night in Nature 2022.